From ‘normal English’…
Most online translation tools just have to be one of the most lethal but effective murderers in the history of non-humankind: they have singlehandedly killed off just about every language known to man in one fell swoop. Can we be so naive as to enter a piece of text in a box and realistically expect that some machine somewhere, lacking the subtleties of human intelligence and feeling and our communicative abilities, would actually render us an accurate translation into another language?
…into Romanian:
Instrumentele cele mai on-line de traducere doar sa fie una dintre cele mai letale criminali, dar eficient în istoria omenirii non-: le-au ucis unul singur doar despre fiecare limbă cunoscută de om într-o singură lovitură. Putem fi atât de naivi încât să introduceți o bucată de text într-o cutie și realist se asteapta ca unele mașini undeva, lipsit de subtilitățile inteligența umană și sentimentul și abilități de comunicare noastre, ar face de fapt, ne-o traducere exactă într-o altă limbă?
…and back into English:
Instruments the only online translation to be one of the most lethal criminals, but effective non-human history: he killed himself just about every language known to man in one shot. We can be so naive as to enter a piece of text in a box and realistically expect some car somewhere without feeling and subtleties of human intelligence and our communication skills would actually make us an accurate translation in another language?
Or what about into Arabic…?
معظم أدوات الترجمة على الانترنت فقط ليكون واحدا من القتلة فتكا ولكنها فعالة في تاريخ البشرية غير: انهم قتلوا بمفردها قبالة فقط عن كل لغة عرفها الإنسان في ضربة واحدة. يمكن أن نكون من السذاجة بحيث يدخل جزء من النص في مربع ويتوقع واقعيا أن بعض آلة مكان ما، وتفتقر الدقيقة الذكاء الإنساني والشعور وقدراتنا التواصلية، من شأنه أن يجعل لنا في الواقع ترجمة دقيقة إلى لغة أخرى؟
…and back into English again:
Most online translation tools only to be one of the deadliest killers but effective in the history of mankind: they killed their own off just about every language known to man in one fell swoop. Could be so naive as to enter a part of the text in the box and realistic to expect some machine somewhere, and lacks precise human intelligence and feeling and communicative capabilities, would make us actually accurate translation into another language?